The Gambia Football Federation Electoral Committee has announced that the forth coming GFF Elective Congress slated for Saturday 18th August, 2018 would be attended by Officials from FIFA and CAF as observers.

Both bodies’ top Officials are expected in town latest Friday for the event.

The congress will be held on Saturday the 18th August 2018 and would elect the Executive Committee of the GFF that will steer the affairs of Gambian football for the next four years.

According to the Electoral Committee, there would be elections for the position of President between the incumbent Mr. Lamin Kabba Bajo and Mr. Malick Sillah as well as the Third Vice Presidency position between Rtd. General Langtombong Tamba and Mr. Foday Danjo. All other positions have gone unopposed.

Meanwhile, the GFF Electoral Committee has further announced that Congress will now be held at the Paradise Suites Hotel instead of Football Hotel as previously announced. The event will be on Saturday the 18th August, 2018 starting at 10:00am sharp. The Electoral Committee states that Registration of delegates will start at 8:30am and end at 9:30am.
The Committee further wishes to state that only official delegates and those accredited for the event will be allowed to attend the event.