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President Kaba Presides Over Standing Committees Inauguration

GFF President LAMIN Kaba Bajo has on Thursday 17th January, 2019 presided over the inauguration of GFF Sub Committees at the Football House in Kanifing.

First among the Committees was Women’s Football Sub Committee where Mr Bajo congratulated the members for their appointment. He thanked them for accepting the challenge and to serve in the running of Women’s Football for the GFF for the next Four years.

‘I have no doubt once again that you can do it because what men can do is what Women can equally do’, Mr Bajo sounded confident on the Members. He said despite the logistical constraints, there is always a will from the Women’s Committee to push and make programs happen for the girls. ‘Our successes registered in the past period must be consolidated in the years ahead and because expectations are high on us, we have to maintain high standards and continue to communicate and with the support of Monika Staab, we can do more to promote and raise more awareness’.

Mr Bajo indulged on the Committee to focus more on grassroots football development and to work closely with the renowned Women’s Football expert Monika Staab.

For his part, GFF 3rd Vice President Lang Tombong TAMBA also thanked and congratulated the members for the trust and confidence the GFF reposed on them.. ‘Thank you for accepting the responsibility although it’s a challenge but we have no doubt that you will live up to expectations having worked with almost all of you in the Super Nawettan Committee and other related Football matters’.

Chairperson of the Committee SAINABOU CHAM thanked President Bajo and the GFF for renewing confidence in them by appointing into the Committee. ‘The support you gave us in the last four years was enormous and made us successful and having this wonderful family with me in the Committee, I have all confidence in the them to make the Committee work’.

Committee member Arret NJIE Jah also thanked the GFF for appointing them again into the Committee ‘We will contune to work as a family and do our utmost as expected and raise the profile of Women’s Football in the country’.

The Committee is chaired by ExCO Member SAINABOU CHAM and has ExCO Member Maimuna KANTEH, Arret NJIE Jah, Olimatou BADJIE and EBRIMA Jatta as Members.

Meanwhile another Sub Committee Beach soccer has also been inaugurated by President Bajo at Football House in Kanifing as part of his marathon engagements today amongst others.

Mr Bajo similarly congratulated the members of Beach Soccer for their appointments and thanked them for accepting what he called a challenge.

‘Beach Soccer is an integral part of the activities of both FIFA and CAF and we must also endeavor to bring it into our activities and I want to assure you that I am personally committed to it’. He called on the members to draw up programs in consultation with the GFF Technical Director Sang Ndong and incorporate it into GFF programs

Committee chairman Abdou Karim Sey thanked the GFF for appointing them into the Committee ‘ I am very happy to be back again with some of my colleagues and we will renew our commitment to do more in 2019 and the years ahead to promote and develop Beach Soccer’

Other Sub Committees are Futsal Committee, Audit Committee and Media and Publicity Committees all part of the inauguration programs on Thursday.

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